Links and Resources
Gallbladder Cleanse Helpful to shift blocked sexual energy, sexual frustration, edgy horny energy etc. Cleanse the gallbladder to shift stuck energy. Read about it here. Then download the file below for a home cleanse.
Taoist View of the UniverseAlan Watts describes the Taoist principles which keep Life in BalanceAt the very roots of Chinese thinking and feeling there lies the principle of polarity, which is not to be confused with the ideas of opposition or conflict....
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What are the benefits of Tao Sexual Arts?This is a huge comprehensive system. One of the world's leading teachers Michael Winn has written a very detailed article covering many aspects.
Click here to read. The Energetic Flow of Sexual ChiIn Taoism, sexual energy is seen to flow from yin (contracted, innermost) to yang (expanded, outermost) in a continuous cycle, like the seasons...
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This PDF is a chart of the five elements cosmic cycle and all of the correspondances
Conscious Communication
A method for communicating in relationships, especially when a challenge arises. The method is sharing desires, fears and needs. Click here to read the details of how to do this. You can use this as a stand-alone piece, or add it into heart opening rituals at the start. First you can lead an inner smile and look inside the heart. Look for the heart's deepest longings and then have the partners share in the form of "desires, fears and needs" |
Tantric Touch
If you are leading any practices with touch or massage, there are some general principles that apply to most methods. Touch can be on many different levels...from needing connection, seduction, sexual living, soothing, healing, divine awakening through the body. Click here to read some pointers towards divine touch that may be useful in your workshops and sessions. |